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Custom Shipping Settings (for UPS, FedEx, and US Postal Service)

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You can set custom options to your third party shipping methods such as, completely disable a shipping method, disable a shipping method between a specified subtotal amount, disable a shipping method for package dimensions larger than LxWxH, override a shipping method price, and increase a shipping method price by a percentage.

Completely Disable a shipping method

You can completely disable a shipping method if you do not want to offer it to your customers. Perform the following steps to do this:

  1. Login to your SEO-Cart account and go to Configure->Shipping Settings.
  2. Once here, go to the “Custom Shipping Settings” section and locate the shipping method you would like to completely disable.
  3. Enable the checkbox for "Disable shipping method" for the shipping method you would like to completely disable.
  4. Update your changes.

Rename a shipping method name

You can rename the shipping methods offered to your customers, for example, you can rename UPS Ground to be just "Ground". Perform the following steps to do this:

  1. Login to your SEO-Cart account and go to Configure->Shipping Settings.
  2. Once here, go to the “Custom Shipping Settings” section and locate the shipping method you would like to completely disable.
  3. Enable the checkbox for "Set and override shipping method name" for the shipping method you would like to rename.
    • Be careful not to rename a shipping method name to a name that is already in use. Duplicate shipping names with possible different prices offered to your customers will confuse them.
  4. Update your changes.

Disable/Enable a shipping method based on order subtotal

You can enable or disable a shipping method if the order’s subtotal is between a specified dollar amount. To enable this feature, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your SEO-Cart account and go to Configure->Shipping Settings.
  2. Once here, go to the “Custom Shipping Settings” section and locate the shipping method you would like to disable/enable based on an order’ subtotal.
  3. Enable the checkbox for “Disable/Enable shipping method for order's between $X and $X and set the minimum and maximum order subtotal amount.
  4. Update your changes.

Disable/Enable a shipping method based on specified shipping package dimensions

You can enable or disable a shipping method if the order’s package dimensions are set or over a specified size. To enable this feature, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your SEO-Cart account and go to Configure->Shipping Settings.
  2. Once here, go to the “Custom Shipping Settings” section and locate the shipping method you would like to disable/enable based on an order’s package dimensions.
  3. Enable the checkbox for “Disable/Enable shipping method for order package dimensions larger than (L x W x H).
    • Note that if you would like to disable the shipping method if any package dimensions are set for an order, set the constraint length, width, and height to zero (0).
  4. Update your changes.

Set and override shipping price for a shipping method

You can completely override the price of a shipping method to a flatrate amount. To enable this feature, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your SEO-Cart account and go to Configure->Shipping Settings.
  2. Once here, go to the “Custom Shipping Settings” section and locate the shipping method you would like to override the price for.
  3. Enable the checkbox for “Set and override shipping price for the shipping method to $X". Enter your override amount.
  4. Update your changes.

Increase price for a shipping method by a percentage

You can relatively increase a shipping method price by a percentage. To enable this feature, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your SEO-Cart account and go to Configure->Shipping Settings.
  2. Once here, go to the “Custom Shipping Settings” section and locate the shipping method you would like to increase the price by.
  3. Enable the checkbox for “Increase shipping price for shipping method by X%". Enter your percentage increase value.
  4. Update your changes.


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