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Dynamic Keywords

Support Home > User Guide > RMA Requests > RMA Settings > Field References
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_ID: Dynamic keyword to place the RMA Request ID.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_ORDER_INVOICE_NUMBER: Dynamic keyword to place the RMA Request's associated Order Invoice Number.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_FIRST_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's first name associated with the RMA Request.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_LAST_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's last name associated with the RMA Request.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_SHIPPING_ADDRESS: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's shipping address associated with the RMA Request.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_SHIPPING_CITY: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's shipping city associated with the RMA Request.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_SHIPPING_STATE: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's shipping state associated with the RMA Request.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_SHIPPING_POSTAL_CODE: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's shipping postal code associated with the RMA Request.
AUTO_GENERATED_RMA_SHIPPING_COUNTRY_CODE: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's shipping country code associated with the RMA Request.

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