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Search Engine Optimization Settings

Support Home > User Guide > Website Configuration > Configure Store Settings > Field References
Automatically generate my meta keywords for each product: Turn this option on to automatically populate your meta keywords which are chosen by SEO-Cart.
Note: You can override a product's auto-generated meta keywords by modifying the product in SEO-Cart.
Automatically generate my meta description for each product/category: Turn this option on to automatically populate your meta description for each product and category page.
Note: You can override a category or product meta description by modifying the product or category in SEO-Cart.
Category Page Meta Description: Template text for your category meta descriptions. Use dynamic keywords within the meta description template to ensure that it is unique.
Product Page Meta Description: Template text for your product meta descriptions. Use dynamic keywords within the meta description template to ensure that it is unique.
Automatically generate my related products for cross-selling: Turn this option on to randomly generate related products for your store. Enabling this option will generate more inbound links within your website.
Generate search engine friendly product filenames: Turn this option on to use search engine friendly product filenames for your website. This option is recommended and must be set when first configuring your store.
Use shorthand URLs for website directory structure: Turn this option on to compress the length of your product and category URLs by omitting the categories and products subdirectories from your website. This option is recommended and must be set when first configuring your store.
Include anchor title attribute for product and category links: Turn this option on to include the HTML title attribute for all anchor links generated by SEO-Cart. When enabled, SEO-Cart will use the meta title text for the title attribute in all anchor tags. This can be useful for SEO and for handicapped viewers or visit your website.
Enable Omniture integration features: Turn this option on to enable Omniture tracking for your website. You must have an Omniture account and upload your javascript file that Omniture provides to /js/s_code.js within your FTP account.

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