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View Order Copy/Paste

Support Home > User Guide > Website Configuration > Configure Order Page Settings > Field References
Company Name: Enable this option to display the company name when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Full Name: Enable this option to display the customer's full name name when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Telephone: Enable this option to display the customer's telephone number when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Street Address: Enable this option to display the customer's street address when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
City: Enable this option to display the customer's city when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
State: Enable this option to display the customer's state when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Postal Code: Enable this option to display the customer's postal code when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Country: Enable this option to display the customer's country when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Email: Enable this option to display the customer's email address when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.
Weight: Enable this option to display the order weight when using the copy icon feature when viewing the billing or shipping information within an order.

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