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Order Settings

Support Home > User Guide > Website Configuration > Configure Order Page Settings > Field References
Primary Color 1: Optionally set the hexadecimal color code for the primary color 1 for your checkout page on your website.
Primary Color 2: Optionally set the hexadecimal color code for the primary color 2 for your checkout page on your website.
Allow Shopping Cart Remove All: Set this option to yes if you would like your customers to have the option of clearing their entire shopping cart contents. Once enabled, a "Remove All" link will be added to your shopping cart page.
Order Comments: Select if you would like to accept comments from your customers when purchasing from your website.
Telephone Formatting: Set this option to yes if you would like to automatically format customer telephone numbers using the following format: (123) 456-7890
Accept Evening Phone: Set this option to yes if you would like to accept an evening telephone field for your checkout page on your website.
Accept Cell Phone: Set this option to yes if you would like to accept a cell phone number field for your checkout page on your website.
Accept Company Name: Set this option to yes if you would like to accept a company name field for your checkout page on your website.
Accept Mailing List: Set this option to yes if you would like for customers who purchase from your website to be able to sign up for your mailing list.
Upsell Related Products on shopping cart page: Enable this option if you would like to upsell related products for your customers to purchase from the shopping cart page on your website.
Display product thumbnail on shopping cart pages: Enable this option if you would like to display the product thumbnail images on your shopping cart pages (cart, verify checkout, order receipt). The size of the image displayed will be the size set for your product thumbnail image dimensions.
Disable alternate shipping address on quick checkout: Enable this option if you would like to restrict your customers from being able to specify an alternate shipping address (different from their billing address) when using the Quick Checkout feature when making a purchase.
Display quick checkout at the top of the page, above customer login / new account sections: Enable this option to display the Quick Checkout button at the top of the page, above customer login / new account sections. This only applies if you allow new customer accounts to be registered.

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