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Custom Settings

Support Home > User Guide > Website Configuration > Configure Order Page Settings > Field References
Shopping Cart Header Text: Enter the text to be displayed at the top of the view shopping cart page on your website. Default value: Your Cart
Cart Checkout Header Text: Enter the text to be displayed at the top of the cart checkout page on your website. Default value: Checkout
Verify Checkout Header Text: Enter the text to be displayed at the top of the verify checkout page on your website. Default value: Please Review Your Order
Order Results Header Text: Enter the text to be displayed at the top of the order receipt page on your website. Default value: Your Receipt
Continue Shopping Button: Select your own image, a premade image, or custom button text for the Continue Shopping button on your website.
Proceed To Checkout Button: Select your own image, a premade image, or custom button text for the Proceed To Checkout button on your website.
Verify Checkout Button: Select your own image, a premade image, or custom button text for the Verify Checkout button on your website.
Checkout Button: Select your own image, a premade image, or custom button text for the Checkout button on your website.

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