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Confirmation Email Settings

Support Home > User Guide > Website Configuration > Configure Order Page Settings > Field References
Send customer e-mail confirmation when their order is marked as Preorder: Enable this option if you would like an automatic notification email sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Preorder.
Preorder Confirmation Subject: Enter the email subject to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Preorder.
Preorder Confirmation Header: Enter the email header text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Preorder. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Preorder Confirmation Footer: Enter the email footer text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Preorder. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Send customer e-mail confirmation when their order is marked as On Hold: Enable this option if you would like an automatic notification email sent to the customer when their order status is changed to On Hold.
On Hold Confirmation Subject: Enter the email subject to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to On Hold.
On Hold Confirmation Header: Enter the email header text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to On Hold. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
On Hold Confirmation Footer: Enter the email footer text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to On Hold. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Send customer e-mail confirmation when their order is marked as Processed: Enable this option if you would like an automatic notification email sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Processed.
Processed Confirmation Subject: Enter the email subject to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Processed.
Processed Confirmation Header: Enter the email header text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Processed. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Processed Confirmation Footer: Enter the email footer text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Processed. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Send customer e-mail confirmation when their order is marked as Shipped: Enable this option if you would like an automatic notification email sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Shipped.
Shipped Confirmation Subject: Enter the email subject to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Shipped.
Shipped Confirmation Header: Enter the email header text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Shipped. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Shipped Confirmation Footer: Enter the email footer text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Shipped. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Send customer e-mail confirmation when their order is marked as Cancelled: Enable this option if you would like an automatic notification email sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Cancelled.
Cancelled Confirmation Subject: Enter the email subject to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Cancelled.
Cancelled Confirmation Header: Enter the email header text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Cancelled. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
Cancelled Confirmation Footer: Enter the email footer text to use for the email notification sent to the customer when their order status is changed to Cancelled. The invoice number, order comments, purchased product information, and order amounts will also be included in the automatic email sent to the customer.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_INVOICE_NUMBER: Dynamic keyword to place the order invoice number. This can be used in the confirmation subject, header, or footer text.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_FIRST_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's first name. This can be used in the confirmation subject, header, or footer text.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_LAST_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's last name. This can be used in the confirmation subject, header, or footer text.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_CARD_TYPE: Dynamic keyword to place the order credit card type (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc). This can be used in the confirmation subject, header, or footer text.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_SHIPPING_METHOD: Dynamic keyword to place the order's shipping method. This can be used in the confirmation subject, header, or footer text.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_TOTAL: Dynamic keyword to place the order total. This can be used in the confirmation subject, header, or footer text.

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