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Abandoned Order Notification Settings

Support Home > User Guide > Abandoned Orders > Notification Settings > Field References
Enable abandoned order email notification summary to admin: Enable this option if you would like to receive recurring email reports with abandoned order email statistics in them.
Notify E-mail Address: Optionally enter the email addresses you would like to receive the abandoned order notification summary emails. Comma separated values supported. Leave blank to send the summary emails to the default admin email address(es).
Summary Email Frequency: Select whether to send the abandoned order notification summary emails daily, weekly, or monthly. If weekly is chosen, you will receive the email on Mondays every week. If monthly is chosen, you will receive the email on the first day of each new month.
Enable abandoned order email notification reminder to customer: Enable this option if you would like to send an email reminder to the customer who abandoned their order. This email will include a button for the customer to return to their shopping cart on your website. The email sent conforms to the CAN-SPAM guidelines and an option will be included within the email for the customer to unsubscribe. Customers who abandon their orders will also automatically be added to your mailing list under the Abandoned Order signup type group.
Days to Wait: Select how many days you would like to wait before sending the customer their abandoned order email notification reminder.
Abandoned E-mail Header: Optionally set a custom email header to be included in the abandoned order email notification to the customer. Leave blank to use the default text.
Abandoned E-mail Footer: Optionally set a custom email footer to be included in the abandoned order email notification to the customer. Leave blank to use the default text.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_INVOICE_NUMBER: Dynamic keyword to place the abandoned order invoice number.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_FIRST_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's first name.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_LAST_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's last name.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_SHIPPING_METHOD: Dynamic keyword to place the customer's shipping method used.
AUTO_GENERATED_ORDER_TOTAL: Dynamic keyword to place the abandoned order total.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_NAME: Dynamic keyword to place the store name.

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