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Adding a Streaming Media page

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A streaming media page allows you to add a video or audio file for your customers to view or listen to on your website. To add a streaming media page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to your Content Editor and navigate to the page you would like to add the video to.
  2. Click the "Edit Content" button towards the top right of the content area of the page. A dialog box will open.
  3. Click the "Manage Subpages" tab.
  4. Click the "Add new subpage..." link.
  5. Enter a name for the new page, set the layout for the video to be "Streaming Media" and click the "Add Page" button.
  6. Once added, click the "Modify" link next to the video.
  7. Click on the "Media Options" tab and set the appropriate "Media Type" for your new media file.
    • If your "Media Type" is set to "YouTube Video", copy and paste the full YouTube URL or Video ID in to the "YouTube Video ID" field.
    • If your "Media Type" is set to "Embedded Audio-Video", set your "New Media Field" to the video or audio you would like to upload. You may also upload a splash image and set other various options.
  8. Save your new Streaming Media page.
  9. Verify the "Publish Page" button is enabled towards the top right corner of the screen once you are ready for your new streaming media to be visible to the public.

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