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Abandoned Shopping Cart Notifications

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With SEO-Cart, you can send automated emails to customers who have abandoned their shopping cart. As the admin, you can also receive email notifications with abandoned email reports and statistics. 

Enabling Abandoned Order Notification Reports to the Admin

  1. Login to SEO-Cart and go to Customers->Abandoned Orders->Notification Settings.
  2. Enable the checkbox for "Enable abandoned order email notification summary to admin".
  3. Set the "Summary Email Frequency" to daily, weekly, or monthly to control how often you would like to receive the abandoned cart email reports.
  4. Save your settings.

Note: If the customer has more than one abandoned order within the same day, SEO-Cart will only send one email to the customer with their latest shopping cart data included. In other words, the customer will not receive multiple emails for each abandoned order if there is more than one abandoned order in a day. If a customer tries to place an order and it doesn’t go through the first time (creating an abandoned order), as long as the customer doesn't clear their cookies (restart computer/browser, use a different computer, etc), then the abandoned order will be deleted once the order goes through successfully.

Enabling Abandoned Order Notifications to the Customer

  1. Login to SEO-Cart and go to Customers->Abandoned Orders->Notification Settings.
  2. Enable the checkbox for "Enable abandoned order email notification reminder to customer".
  3. Set the "Days to Wait" to control how long to wait before sending an automated email to the customer, reminding them of their shopping cart that they abandoned. 
  4. Save your settings.
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